It took me and my group 9 long weeks but we finally finished our project Smart Tech. Some challenges were team collaboration but other wise we were fine. We struggled to finish up stuff at the end but we got it done on time if but barely. I learned teamwork skills, to come out of my shell even more, to work efficiently, and meet deadlines on time. I was given good feedback to what I could use and change later in the future. We changed our whole logo because we decided to go for more of a company approach than just a product approach. Overall I had fun with this and it was my favorite part of E-comm this year and my favorite thing at school this year.
I used my class time well and worked on what my group needed me to get done like the animations, the logo, and the ads. I went back and checked everything multiple times correct it and tweaking it to make it the best possible. Outside of class I play video games and watch movies to see different animation styles and see how things move and act and compare them to their living counterparts. I also look up how movies and video games were made to get a better feeling on how it works because that is what I want to do when I'm older which is to make Video Games and Movies.
My strengths that have grown this year are in Animation and Videography/Filming. I've learned the basics to prepare me for next year and get me started on the journey that will be my life later down the road. I know I've only broke the surface of E-comm this year but I can't wait for next year when I'll learn more and more and more.
Areas I need improvement in are probably Web Design. I get it but it's still confusing so I have to try to understand it better and work on it more to do better.
I loved the whole create you own product idea from the very beginning. I would maybe make the presentations in the Auditorium other wise I leave everything the same. I learned to put everything that I learned in Quarters 1-3 into one project. I would like to make something amazing in animation next year.