Monday, December 31, 2018

Semester Review

This project was about finding someone in our class that was special and we would have to do an interview about them.  It took me and my group about a week to do but we got it done. Some challenges we faced was communication and also two of our group members were being interviewed so that left just three of us to try to work things out.  I learned that communication is the key to just about anything in life and that even if problems are thrown in your face you can work around them to get done what you need to get done.  Some feedback I was given was that I needed to center Maleah more.  I didn't change much except for centering Maleah.  I think that it was good project overall.

Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to upload my news story to YouTube.

The project that we did was about the underclassman play and what it was about.  It took about a week to complete.  Some challenges we faced were if any of us could stay after school to film it but fortunately two of our group members were part of the play so we had that covered.  Some feedback was to make it a bit longer.  I did end up making it longer.  The overall project was fun and I enjoyed being behind the scenes and seeing how everything worked.

I used my class time well and got all my videos done in class but sometimes was not able to finish my blogs in time.  I could of used it all to my advantage but I admit I would get distracted and off task sometimes but I did end up finishing all my videos on time.  I usually got done with not much time to spare so there wasn't much I could do in the little time I had left.  I usually watch the videos that you have posted to help me understand more about being in video production.

My areas of strength are editing.  I've always been good at editing and I also took a class over the summer of 2016 that got me started at editing and I also did a class about animation which led me to the E-communication program.  Some areas I need to improve are using my time wisely and not get so distracted as easily and focus on what I need to get done.  My role in the ONW NOW sophomore edition was behind the scenes and making sure everybody was where they needed to be and to tell the people when to start.  My team made a video on the underclassman play.  I learned that I need to be more communicative with my group.

What I loved most about this semester was the ONW NOW sophomore version because it was fun to work behind the scenes and see how everything worked and it was really fun to experience that.  What I would change differently was how long we had to do the blogs in class because I never really had time to do them in class.  My overall take-away from this semester is that communication is the key.  One goal I would set for myself next year and next semester is me more confident with my ideas.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Advanced Feature Story

Our story was about the Web design teacher and why he chose this as his career and why he chose to come to ONW.  My group chose to do this because not many kids choose web design as a career path and not many people know much about web design and how important it is in life.  My role in this was as editor.

Our process was to first come up with what to do and once we did that we needed to come up with a script. Once we came up with the script we tweaked it till we thought it was good and then we started to film B roll.  Then we set up time with him to start the interview then we started to edit.

We took a different approach this time by interviewing a teacher who has had more experience than the students have had and can tell us about web design better than they could.  What I would do differently next time would be to make sure the audio is on so we actually have a interview that isn't just static. The experience that I would take from this is to double check that the sound is on.

ONW 1 in 2000

Our story was about Maleah Boyd and her experience as a dance team member.  We asked her multiple questions like what she enjoys the most about dance team.  We also asked her how long she has been doing dance and why she does it.

I process was originally going to ask her if she wanted to be interviewed and then ask her dance team coach but she never responded back.  We then came up with the questions we were going to ask her.  Then we set up a time and found a location and started to interview her.  We were going to origanlly interview her in the gym but people started to play basketball in the gym so we had to move outside in the event entrance.

My role in the project was script supervisor or as an extra hand since we had 5 people in my group. I mainly ran around getting stuff done.  I would run back and forth from the room (editing) to the event entrance (to help them or ask questions if needed).

What I would do different is maybe a little less running because if I had gotten their numbers it would of saved me the trouble and I would also ask the coach earlier than we did and maybe goof around a little bit less.  What I would do the same would be keeping my group because I had a fun time and we did goof off a little bit more than needed to be but in the end we got the job done.  The main experience I would draw from this is to have fun with what you're doing and not be uptight about it but have the right amount of fun.


The concept my group came up with was how to properly act during a fire drill.  We and up with this idea because it is something everyone needs to know and know how to do.  We came up with this because usually kids just yell and push past people instead of doing what they need to do.  We also picked this because we thought it would be easier to film for our first project of the year.

My role in the team was director so I was the one behind the camera the whole time tell my group what to do when they needed to do it.  What I learned along the way was to be a little bit more direct in what I say and be a little bit more commanding.  I also learned how to take charge because I'm usually seen as a follower.

What would I do different is maybe be a little bit more commanding and more talkative.  I would change this because I would like to take control every once in awhile so I need to learn how to.  Everything else I would keep the same because we did okay in the rest of the project.  The experience I will draw from the most in this project would be the leadership.