The song we chose was The Man Who Sold The World By: David Bowie. We kinda of couldn't decide on a song and I was sick when they made the choice so I don't exactly know why they chose the song. They wouldn't really elaborate on why the chose it. The theme we were going for, since the song didn't have a music video, was dark and gloomy and about half way through the video it would change to mysterious and curiosity. Our process was kind of delayed. We didn't actually start when the other groups did and if we had we could have beaten the winter weather and got the last shots filmed. We kind of just went basic and used the lyrics as our guide and that took us to the dark and gloomy and depressed beginning, to the song actually starting in the middle, and then the song would've eventually ended at the end of the video leaving off with a blurred image of the strangers face.
My role was editor and I learned not to rely on my team as much as I did. I wasn't able to go out and film during this project and I wish I had so that maybe they wouldn't have goofed off as much and we could've finished everything in one go. I should have been more assertive with my opinion because me, Carter, and Carson didn't want to do this song so I should said something when I was texting Carter about it when I was sick.
What I would have done differently would be more assertive with my opinions, I should have made time to go help them film, not waited on starting the project, and not work with Cain.