Sunday, February 23, 2020

Film Reel 2020

The story and concept I was trying to portray was of teen life and the many different aspects of it.  I was mainly an editor for these films but I was also a cinematographer for them as well.  I showed good cinematography through different shot angles and different lighting that fit the mood of the individual films that I was showcasing.  I edited my reel based on the music.  I made sure that when there was a major key change that I chose a shot that fit the dramatic change so it felt smooth and seamless.  What I would do different would be changing some of the shots where they just jump cut so it didn't look as seamless as I wanted it to.  What I would do the same would be the use of a variety of shots that lined up with the music.  What is still needed to make my reel complete would be to just keep adding my work to it.

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